Playday is coordinated by Play England, Play Wales, Play Scotland, PlayBoard Northern Ireland and a national steering group.
Playday wouldn’t be the fantastic campaign it is without the hundreds of Playday organisers from across the UK, and our Playday campaign supporters.
Play England’s vision is for England to be a country where everybody can fully enjoy the right to play throughout their childhood and teenage years, as set out in Article 31 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Charter for Children’s Play. Play England works to achieve this vision through campaigning at all levels for children’s freedom to play, raising awareness of the importance of play for families and communities and joining together with locally based organisations to increase opportunities for children to play where they live.
To find out more, visit the Play England website and join them on Facebook and Twitter.
Play Wales is the national organisation for children’s play. It is a charity that provides advice, support and guidance for all those in Wales who have a concern or responsibility for any environment where children and young people might play.
Play Wales upholds children’s right to play and believe that freely chosen play is critically important in the healthy development of all children and young people.
All children are entitled to quality play provision within their communities and Play Wales works strategically to achieve this goal on their behalf.
To find out more, visit the Play Wales website and join them on Facebook and Twitter.
Play Scotland is the national organisation for play in Scotland. Play Scotland works to promote and deliver on the importance of play for all children and young people, and campaigns to create increased play opportunities in the community.
Play Scotland works in partnership with the Scottish Government to deliver on the National Play Strategy Action Plan.
Play Scotland develops strategic resources, delivers and develops training for workforce development and research into play provision. Under our Information Services we also provide free messy play publications and playful posters for you to download. Play Scotland is a membership organisation and it is free to join.
To find out more, visit the Play Scotland website and join them on Facebook and Twitter.
PlayBoard NI is an independent charity and the lead organisation for the development and promotion of children and young people’s play in Northern Ireland.
Since its establishment in 1985, PlayBoard has campaigned, lobbied, raised awareness and developed partnerships aimed at putting play on the agenda of policymakers and resource providers.
PlayBoard exists to promote and support the child’s right to play as a fundamental human right, consistent with Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Children and young people’s views, aspirations and perceptions of themselves and the environment in which they live are at the heart of our work.
To find out more, visit the PlayBoard website and join them on Facebook and Twitter.