There are lots of different ways to inform people about your celebration event and how they can get involved. Think about who you want to tell and the best method to reach that particular audience.
These top tips have been devised by Playday event organisers for Playday event organisers.
Advertise your Playday event through:
- Community television.
- Free what’s on and listing guides – search online for ones that cover your area.
- Celebrities – they can be contacted via agents’ websites such Big Talent Group and Troika.
- Linking up with other relevant local campaigns.
- Local newspapers and radio stations.
- Newsletters that go out to schools.
- Schools, children’s centres and other local events.
- Social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace – but remember some have age limits.
- Sports clubs – ask them if they’ll advertise on their big screen and in clubhouses.
- Summer programme brochures.
- The Playday website, where you can register your event free.
- Vacant shop windows – contact the estate agent that’s dealing with the sale/lease with your suggestion.
- Word of mouth – brief everyone involved and get everyone passionate about Playday!
- Your local authority’s website, publications and mail bag service (to get leaflets into schools).
Promote Playday and play by:
- Adopting the Playday logo and branding, which will identify your Playday event and become synonymous with celebrating play in your local area.
- Asking local libraries and schools what publications go out to children and families in your local area.
- Developing a publicity strategy or timeline.
- Encouraging organisations and people not normally involved in play to join in, and demonstrate how they can support play after Playday.
- Giving information packs to adults outlining the benefits of play.
- Having a clear message – remind people that it’s free and it’s fun!
- Holding smaller events leading up to and promoting your main Playday event.
- Linking in to the national Playday campaign – use the key messages and research findings to get support for your Playday event and/or wider campaign.
- Linking to other people’s agendas, such as public health and planning departments.
- Producing banners for display in local venues such as sports centres and libraries.
- Putting forward passionate spokespeople, including children and families.
- Running a promotional road show, using your local playbus for example.
- Stoking debates around play on forums and social networking sites.
- Using Playday resources like the Get organised! guide.
To maximise coverage, work in partnership with:
- Children’s centres, childminders and extended services.
- Doctor’s surgeries, libraries and community centres.
- Local branches of other campaign groups, such as Barnardo’s and Children in Need.
- Parish councils and local authorities.
- Suppliers and partnership organisations.
- Transport services, job centres, training providers and local businesses.
- Youth parliaments, school councils and local youth clubs.
For more information on publicising your Playday event, go to our media pages or read the Getting publicity section of the Get organised! guide.
Add your top tips to these pages to support other Playday events across the UK. To add your ideas, contact us directly.