Make every day a Playday with these simple tips on how you can make play part of your daily routine!
Make getting places fun
If you’re heading out locally, ditch the car and take a playful journey on foot. Take roller skates, scooters or skateboards, and think of games you can play on the way. Don’t forget that children are more likely to play if they are with friends, so, whatever you’re doing, why not invite friends along too.
Get outside in rain or shine
Kids will want to play whatever the weather, so don’t be put off going outside if it’s raining. Be prepared with wellies, umbrellas and raincoats and get ready for some puddle-jumping!
Invest in ‘active’ toys
Classic toys like hula hoops, pogo sticks, skipping ropes and space hoppers are still a favourite with the kids. They’re ideal for playing in the garden, or outside on the street where you live.
Be adventurous
Children need to have adventures outdoors, even if it means a few scrapes and grazes. Let your children enjoy physical challenges such as climbing trees. Children learn through taking risks, so don’t be overly protective if the worst that can happen is a bump or a scrape.
Share your play memories
Whether it was a game of tag, rounders or piggy in the middle, think about how you used to play actively when you were a child. Share and recreate your play memories with your children – why not get grandparents involved too!
Lead by example
Don’t be afraid to get stuck in and play outdoors with your kids. You’re never too old to play, and being active through play, rather than sitting in front of the TV, embeds exercise into your daily routine in a fun way.
Make your household fit for play
Include games and challenges into mundane tasks. Who can pick the most weeds from the lawn (and find worms at the same time!)? Who can make their bed in the morning (and create an indoor den in the process!)? You get the picture!
Celebrate Playday!
If you can’t get to an event, why not celebrate in any way you can. Whether it’s a street party with your neighbours, a picnic in the park, or just an afternoon adventure in the garden with play mates, make sure you have fun this Playday.
Looking for ways you can get out and play today? Play Scotland has produced these brilliant tips to help more children and their families have everyday adventures.
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