Whether you’ve got kids, you work with kids, or you’re a big kid yourself, Playday needs you!
From local authorities to community groups, a wide variety of individuals and organisations get involved in Playday. There are lots of ways you can celebrate Playday and get involved in the wider campaign, why not:
Organise a celebration
Anyone can organise a Playday event, whether it’s a large community-wide event or a get-together with friends and family. From funding and photography guidance, to an event planning guide and tips from Playday event organisers, you’ll find lots of help and advice throughout this website.
Spread the word
The more people that know about Playday, the more opportunities children will have to play where they live. Official Playday promotional flyers and posters are available to download, to help you galvanise support for Playday in your area. To let us know how you’re promoting play and Playday in your area, or to discuss any ideas you have, please contact us.
Share your Playday stories and ideas on Facebook and Twitter
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Where and how you decide to celebrate Playday is up to you – what’s really important is that children and young people get to have fun, and you help raise awareness that not all children have the chance to experience outdoor fun all year round.